
Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

Visits of International Scientists

  • Amal Ahmed (Northeastern University, USA) joined Inria as a Visiting Professor from September 2017 to July 2018; she gave a seminar on “Compositional Compiler Verification for a Multi-Language World”.

  • Aaron Weiss (Northeastern University, USA) joined Inria as a Visiting Scientist from September 2017 to July 2018; he gave a seminar on “Rust Distilled: An Expressive Tower of Languages”

  • Justin Hsu (University of Wisconsin–Madison, USA) visited Prosecco on 26 January 2018 and gave a talk entitled “From Couplings to Probabilistic Relational Program Logics”

  • Deepak Garg (MPI-SWS, Germany) visited Prosecco on 21 February and 6 December 2018

  • Marco Patrignani (CISPA, Germany) visited Prosecco on 21 February 2018

  • Arthur Azevedo de Amorim (CMU) visited Prosecco on 10–13 April 2018 and gave a seminar on “The Meaning of Memory Safety”

  • Prasad Naldurg (IBM Research, India) joined Prosecco as a Visiting Researcher from May 2018; he gave a Prosecco seminar on “Encrypted Analytics: Computing directly on encrypted databases”

  • Vincent Gramoli (NICTA/Data61-CSIRO and University of Sydney, Australia) visited Prosecco on 27 June 2018 and gave a seminar on “The Red Belly Blockchain: Speed, Security, Scalability”

  • Éric Tanter (University of Chile) joined Prosecco as Visiting Professor from July 2018 to February 2019; he gave a Prosecco seminar on “Gradual Parametricity, Revisited” and many other talks

  • Andrew Tolmach (Portland State University, USA) visited Prosecco on 2–4 July 2018

  • Ilya Sergey (University College London, UK) visited Prosecco on 5 September 2018 and gave a seminar on “Deductive Synthesis of Programs that Alter Data Structures”

  • Jonathan Aldrich (CMU, USA) visited Prosecco on 22–26 November 2018 and gave a seminar on “Object Capabilities, Effects, and Abstraction”

  • Ștefan Ciobâcă (University of Iași, Romania) visited Prosecco on 3–7 December 2018

  • Amin Timany (KU Leuven, Belgium) visited Prosecco on 3–7 December 2018

  • Cédric Fournet (Microsoft Research, UK) has visited Prosecco on various occasions

  • Jonathan Protzenko (Microsoft Research, USA) has visited Prosecco on various occasions

  • Benjamin Lipp (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany): from Dec 2017 to May 2018 – advised by Bruno Blanchet and Karthik Bhargavan

  • Carmine Abate (University of Trento, Italy): from Dec 2017 to May 2018 – advised by Catalin Hritcu

  • Jérémy Thibault (ENS Rennes, France): from Feb to Jul 2018 – advised by Catalin Hritcu

  • Florian Groult (University of Orleans, France): from Apr to Oct 2018 – advised by Catalin Hritcu

  • Guido Martinez (CIFASIS-CONICET Rosario, Argentina): from Sep to December 2018 – advised by Catalin Hritcu

  • Elizabeth Labrada Deniz (University of Chile): from Oct 2018 to January 2019 – advised by Éric Tanter and Catalin Hritcu

  • Iness Ben Guirat (INSAT): from August 2018 to January 2019 – advised by Harry Halpin

Visits to International Teams

  • Catalin Hritcu, Danel Ahman, and Victor Dumitrescu visited Microsoft Research (Redmond, USA) on 5–25 March 2018

  • Catalin Hritcu, Carmine Abate, and Jérémy Thibault visited the MPI-SWS (Saarbrücken, Germany) on 27–28 March 2018

  • Catalin Hritcu visited Draper Labs (Cambridge, MA, USA) on 30 May 2018

  • Karthikeyan Bhargavan, Catalin Hritcu, Danel Ahman, Benjamin Beurdouche, Victor Dumitrescu, Guido Martínez, Denis Merigoux, and Marina Polubelova visited Microsoft Research (Cambridge, UK) for Everest “All-Hands” meeting

  • Harry Halpin visited the NEXTLEAP team meeting (Lausanne, Switzerland) on 15–17th of January.

  • Harry Halpin visited the NEXTLEAP team meeting (Freibourg, Germany) on 21–22nd of November.

  • Harry Halpin visited the final PANORAMIX team meeting (Athens, Greece) on 24–25th of September.